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Our Editorial Process

DailyAgent Check is owned by DailyAgent and it operates under its Credible Information for Peace and Development (CIPD) project. It operates under the umbrella of DailyAgent as a company but is editorially independent, having its separate editor, staff, website, newsletter and social media platforms.

The Editor leads the day-to-day editorial decisions and makes final approval of all its content but does monthly reports to the Managing Editor and Chief Operating Officer of DailyAgent. He/she coordinates and supervises fact-checkers and all editorial content with the assistance of a Programme Officer. All content produced goes through a first round of screening by the Programme Officer for compliance check with fact-checking principles before being passed on to the Editor for review and approval for publication.

After a subject matter or a claim has been established as worthy of fact-checking based on our established methodology, the following step-by-step processes are undertaken to conduct the fact-checking:

  • Contact claimants to get more details on the claim or subject matter if necessary.
  • mapping and selecting available credible sources for verification.
  • contacting experts to get a professional touch (if necessary).
  • writing, producing and publishing the reports