DailyAgent Check (DAC) is a fact-checking project of the DailyAgent (formerly TechnocratMedia), owned and managed by Technocrat Innovations Plus Ltd. A registered media, technology and project management company. DailyAgent is Nigeria’s independent online newspaper with a knack for investigation, data analytics, insights and inclusive reporting. We arm citizens with information to act for change.
DAC operates under DailyAgent’s Credible Information for Peace and Development (CIPD) project. DAC operates under the umbrella of DailyAgent as a media company but it is editorially independent, having its separate editor, website, newsletter and social media platforms.
We are an independent news verification and fact-checking initiative working to fight fake news, misinformation and disinformation to promote peace and development. This is done by investigating and fact-checking claims, statements, promises and messages that are of public interest, and widely publicising findings to empower the public to make informed decisions and choices. We also produce fact sheets and provide training for journalists and civil society organisations (CSOs) on fact-checking, and how to dispel fake news and misinformation.
Over the years, Nigeria and by extension, Africa, has over the years witnessed a significant adoption of mobile devices and an increase in access to the internet. We now have a society of diverse, pluralistic media spaces that is vibrant, competitive and with a rise in political and social advocacy. These factors amongst many others, have led to the springing up of fake news, misinformation and propaganda pieces of machinery, especially during electioneering campaigns, political debates, public health and other emergencies and other matters of significant national and/or international public interest.
For instance, during elections, candidates and political parties standing elections have the urgency and tendency to peddle falsehood, make misleading statements and quote inappropriate policies and data in their bid to secure citizens’ support and earn their votes. Most times, little efforts have been made to fact-check such claims by politicians and their political parties. In some cases, violence had broken out in communities as a result of misleading statements and fake news by politicians and political parties. The impact of fake news and propaganda in our elections has great consequences of influencing citizens to make wrong choices and sometimes, dangerous and harmful decisions that consume mostly young people.
To change the dynamics against the proliferation of fake news, misinformation and political propaganda in public discourse, the DailyAgent Check project was established to promote fact-checking and fact-oriented public engagement, political debates and decision-making in Nigeria’s and by extension, African democratic governance to institute peace and sustain development.
Our ethical policy for fact-checkers
DailyAgent Check strives to publish facts driven by data and credible sources without personal or organisational biases or political agendas at all times.
We don’t allow the personal opinions or political interest of our fact-checkers to affect their work when investigating claims and producing fact-check reports. We ensure that their work is done with an independent mindset are fair and remain credible in their processes of fact-checking claims.
We do not allow our fact-checkers to publicly express political opinions or to be involved in any partisan process or activity. They are only allowed to perform their civic duties to the Nigerian state as bonafide citizens.
We’re politically neutral
We state the following:
- Our fact reports are not a form of contribution to any political party or candidate standing in elections;
- neither is our work meant to project or undermine any political party or candidates’ campaigns;
- Our reports, infographics and stories are published on our website and shared on social media;
- We don’t not in any way mean to promote or endorse any political party or candidate over the other.
- also, DailyAgent Check states that we do not express personal political views on social media or via our website.
Our work is purely driven and guided by DailyAgent’s journalistic values.
- Change—We work to make citizens and public institutions become agents of change to act constructively and responsibly.
- Data & Insights—We deploy data to create insights into life that target citizen groups, marginalised communities, businesses and public institutions to engender new public policies.
- Fairness & Fact—We thrive on fairness and fact in our stories and reports.
- Humanity—We give a human face to our work.
- Independence—Our independence is our strength and we everything to remain truly independent at all times.